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Created by union of nature and science!
Humuson Complex is a new generation 100% organic fertilizer based on sapropel - centuries-old bottom sediments of freshwater lakes, which formed from dead aquatic vegetation, remnants of living organisms, plankton and soil humus.
Humuson Complex Product Composition
Humuson Complex Mode of Action
Multiple effects: Adaptogenity, Symbiosis, Absorption.
• Humuson Complex Promotes the roots development and strengthening of plants by up to 20%
• Increase seeds germination increases seed germination up to 15%
• Humuson Complex improves the assimilation of chemical and organic nutrients by at least 15%. It increases the bioavailability of nutrients.
• HUMUSON COMPLEX increase natural plants ability to resist unfavourable environmental condition, capability to resist mechanical damages like trampling, mow and root damage. Herbs and decorative plants have more aesthetic and healthier appearance.
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