AYEDOS GROUP specializes in innovative products and solutions that accelerate adoption of sustainable agriculture and afforestation as impactful action against climate change.
Humuson Complex, our leading product is 100% organic fertilizer made of sapropel from which we have formulated a soil conditioner and foliar fertilizers. Humuson Complex increases yield and thus sustainability of agriculture by increasing seeds germination, root development, increase bioavailability of nutrients, chemical absorption, and assimilation of chemical and organic nutrients. Humuson Complex is certified by EU as having positive impact on the climate.
AYEDOS Sustainable Afforestation (ASA) creates a streamlined and sustainable value chain for afforestation from land procurement through land lease or tenure agreements, procuring seeds from established national research entities, seedbed establishment, seedling propagation in biodegradable bags using Humuson Complex and soil mixture as the planting media, hiring local labour, local nursery out growers, maintenance of the new forests, to the eventual trading of carbon credits. ASA involves local communities as the key stakeholder and global investors, linking them through modern technologies like Digital Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and blockchain-based Tokenization.
ASA is a catalyst for action against climate change; through mobilization of resources to afforestation for sequestration of carbon, it delivers long-term, continuous income streams for host communities to assure a sustainable ecology.

Water and Sanitation
This is the Funding, Design and Build of Kakamega-Bungoma Bulk Water Supply and Sanitation Project to cater for over 2 million people in the Lake Victoria Basin, in Western Kenya.
The project employer is “Lake Victoria North Water Works Development Agency” (LVN) which is a Government of Kenya (GOK) agency. The Government of Kenya National
Treasury is the obligor on all loans for this project.
What We Do?
AYEDOS specializes in innovative, sustainable projects encompassing infrastructure, housing, healthcare, and renewable energy, striving to increase home ownership in the low and middle-income segments and fostering
positive socio-economic change

Project Details
design the collection page and product page too lux apartments come in larger 3, and 4-be- droom configuration of 110 and 150 sqm respectively. The maisonettes also come in 3, and 4-bedroom configuration of 130 and 170 sqm respectively. transit railway system with 6,0000 kilometres of tracks laid over the past decade.

AYEDOS Sustainable
In summary, AYEDOS's services are carefully designed to promote sustainable development, empower individuals with homeownership opportunities, and oer diverse investment options backed by real-life assets, ultimately
leading to a positive socio-economic impact in the communities it serves.
Discover the breadth of our exceptional services and the exciting possibilities of partnering with AYEDOS! Reach out to us today, and together, we'll unlock the perfect pathway to realizing your goals ”
AYEDOS Sustainable
In summary, AYEDOS's services are carefully designed to promote sustainable development, empower individuals with homeownership opportunities, and oer diverse investment options backed by real-life assets, ultimately
leading to a positive socio-economic impact in the communities it serves.
Discover the breadth of our exceptional services and the exciting possibilities of partnering with AYEDOS! Reach out to us today, and together, we'll unlock the perfect pathway to realizing your goals ”

We collaborate with partners to deliver infrastructure, healthcare, aordable housing, and renewable energy projects, managing the entire eort from evaluation, financing to post-award contracting
Partnering with Tokeny Solutions to tokenize real-life assets on the Polygon blockchain, we oer three types of tokens - Interest only, Annuity, and Maturity - for long-term assets, commercial real estate projects, residential housing units, carbon credits for sustainable aorestation and public and private project bonds .
We provide a flexible and aordable homeowner finance program to assist low and middle earners in becoming homeowners, oering equity growth and the ability to borrow more aordably.